The Residency
What is The Residency?
The Residency is where a NNRPDP Residency Consultant (RC) works closely with you over the course of a 5 week period to refine a specific aspect of your practice through a cyclical process that might include observing lessons, modeling lessons, co-planning lessons, co-teaching lessons, analyzing lessons, analyzing student thinking, reflecting, and refining instructional practices.
The Residency Participant (RP) chooses which specific area of his/her practice s/he wants to refine related to the NVACS and/or the NEPF. The focus might be on an ELA, mathematics, or science standard(s), an NEPF standard(s), or a combination of NVACS and NEPF standards. For instance, if the RP wants to learn more about how to improve his/her practice in relation to establishing a culture and routines that will promote rich discussions among the students, the RP can choose to focus on student discourse during the Residency. If the RP wants to fine tune a unit on fractions, the RP can choose to focus on fraction instruction during the Residency. If the RP wants to institute a writing workshop, the RP can choose to focus on incorporating the writing workshop into his/her practice during the Residency.
Additional Information to Read Before You Register
Registration Information
Registration will open on Wednesday, September 13th, 2017 at 6:00 am. Go here to register for Residency Series 1. Go here to register for Residency Series 2. Space is limited to the first 20 registrants for each series.
Once registration is closed, an NNRPDP Residency Consultant will email you to notify you your registration was accepted and to arrange a time to discuss the details of your Residency.
What happens over the course of the 5 weeks?
Contact any of the following Residency Consultants:
Valerie Byrnes
Ketra Gardner
Holly Marich
Treena Parker
Connie Thomson
The Residency is where a NNRPDP Residency Consultant (RC) works closely with you over the course of a 5 week period to refine a specific aspect of your practice through a cyclical process that might include observing lessons, modeling lessons, co-planning lessons, co-teaching lessons, analyzing lessons, analyzing student thinking, reflecting, and refining instructional practices.
The Residency Participant (RP) chooses which specific area of his/her practice s/he wants to refine related to the NVACS and/or the NEPF. The focus might be on an ELA, mathematics, or science standard(s), an NEPF standard(s), or a combination of NVACS and NEPF standards. For instance, if the RP wants to learn more about how to improve his/her practice in relation to establishing a culture and routines that will promote rich discussions among the students, the RP can choose to focus on student discourse during the Residency. If the RP wants to fine tune a unit on fractions, the RP can choose to focus on fraction instruction during the Residency. If the RP wants to institute a writing workshop, the RP can choose to focus on incorporating the writing workshop into his/her practice during the Residency.
Additional Information to Read Before You Register
- Flyer
- FAQ's
- Professional Learning Plan (roles and responsibilities)
Registration Information
Registration will open on Wednesday, September 13th, 2017 at 6:00 am. Go here to register for Residency Series 1. Go here to register for Residency Series 2. Space is limited to the first 20 registrants for each series.
Once registration is closed, an NNRPDP Residency Consultant will email you to notify you your registration was accepted and to arrange a time to discuss the details of your Residency.
What happens over the course of the 5 weeks?
- Week 1
- Week 2
- Week 3
- Week 4
- Week 5
Contact any of the following Residency Consultants:
Valerie Byrnes
Ketra Gardner
Holly Marich
Treena Parker
Connie Thomson